How to Track Incident Closures Effectively
Data Center Support

How to Track Incident Closures Effectively

Incident is an unplanned interruption. When the operational status of any activity turns from working to failed and causes the system to behave in an unplanned manner it is an incident. More than one incident can give rise to a major problem which should be resolved, preferably as soon as possible. This article describe the details […]

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3 Steps to Integrate SharePoint with Amazon S3 to create Enterprise File Storage Solution
Cloud Services

3 Steps to Integrate SharePoint with Amazon S3 to create Enterprise File Storage Solution

Introduction Today corporate IT is trying to embrace the influx of cloud storage brought on by the adoption of the cloud. Amazon S3 is the highest deployed cloud storage solution in the world. It is used in many small and large companies throughout the world. SharePoint developers are aware that SharePoint stores data on their […]

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4 Ways to Implement Lazy Loading

4 Ways to Implement Lazy Loading

In today’s era the application development has become more modernized. Client not only checks the application flow but he/she is also much more concerned about code optimization, code cleanness, algorithms used, code re-usability, coding techniques, memory optimization and a lot more which are available in latest technologies. In modern technology, when it comes to ASP.NET […]

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Power of Virtualization: Do More With Less
Cloud Services

Power of Virtualization: Do More With Less

In today’s IT scenario, applications are integrated with organization’s website. Mobile apps and business success depends upon how organizations provide resources to mobile users as well as their customers. To accomplish the above, organizations have to configure specific application on server, located either on their own premise or data centre on which such applications are […]

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7 ways to increase help desk efficiency
Managed IT Services

7 Ways to Increase Help Desk Efficiency

It takes months to find a customer and seconds to lose one. Researches show that it costs substantially more to bring a new customer instead of retaining an existing customer. Delivering exceptional customer support not only retains your existing customer base but it will also generate more leads through referrals of your satisfied customers. To […]

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Impact Questions – Evaluating Managed IT Services Prospects
Managed IT Services

Impact Questions – Evaluating Managed IT Services Prospects

Managed Services Sales Qualifying Questions Not every lead is a good fit for Managed IT Services – no matter how strongly a managed services sales person believes they are (or wants them to be). Buyers don’t buy just because they have identified a serious need, an impending deadline, or money to shell off their pockets. […]

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Managed Services Provider Evaluation Checklist | Making Better Decisions That Matter
Cloud Services

Managed Services Provider Evaluation Checklist | Making Better Decisions That Matter

Shifting your IT operations to a Managed Services Provider (MSP) offers a multitude of benefits. Collaborating with an MSP to supervise an increasingly complicated internal network can foster dynamic business growth without breaking an already stretched budget. However, the increasing range of expertise, technology and management models can make choosing an MSP a difficult task. […]

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in-house or hosted servers
Managed IT Services

In-House or Hosted Servers: Are you making the right choice?

Maybe your business need has outgrown your server performance and you’re thinking of replacing it. Or perhaps your server is dated and not supporting your business like it should. It might be that you’re starting a new business and wondering if an in-house server is adequate or if you should adopt hosted solutions from the start. […]

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W5H Theory for Managed IT Services
Managed IT Services

W5H Theory for Managed IT Services

Let’s face it.  While IT technologies have simplified our lives and streamlined our businesses, the systems themselves can be a challenge.  There’s a lot that can go wrong – security, the network, systems updates, hardware, software, etc. To cope up with the changing business expectations and deadlines there has been an accelerated growth of IT […]

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Respond, Don’t React!

Respond, Don’t React!

The cockroach theory for Self Development A beautiful speech by Sundar Pichai – I came across   At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady. She started screaming out of fear. With a panic stricken face and trembling voice,she started jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid […]

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Cloud Backup

What is Cloud Backup – understanding necessity, need, and benefits

Introduction In the world of workstations, microprocessors, and microchips, it is called data backup and data recovery. It is same as the difference between a slight computer setback and living through your electronic apocalypse. Let’s face it; servers, desktops, and laptops aren’t perfect. Files corrupt, systems crash, motherboards malfunction, CPUs call it quits taking our […]

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5 Email Traits Tech Support Executives and IT Professionals Should Have
Managed IT Services

5 Email Traits Tech Support Executives and IT Professionals Should Have

Whether a professional is into Marketing, Communications, Public Relations, someone who writes email communication for corporate users or simply looking to hire one from the above, it is definitely a mandate for him/her to be proficient in the email communications that he/she has with clients. However, in today’s challenging IT support scenario, if you are […]

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